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Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2014 haladó

4 óra

  • Overview: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - Overview

  • Overview: Using Table Expressions
  • Lesson 1: Using Views
  • Lesson 2: Using Inline TVFs
  • Lesson 3: Using Derived Tables
  • Lesson 4: Using CTEs
  • Lab 11: Using Table Expressions

  • Overview: Using Set Operators
  • Lesson 1: Writing Queries with the UNION Operator
  • Lesson 2: Using EXCEPT and INTERSECT
  • Lesson 3: Using APPLY
  • Lab 12: Using Set Operators

  • Overview: Using Window Ranking, Offset, and Aggregate Functions
  • Lesson 1: Creating Windows with OVER
  • Lesson 2: Exploring Window Functions
  • Lab 13: Using Window Ranking, Offset, and Aggregate Functions

  • Overview: Pivoting and Grouping Sets
  • Lesson 1: Writing Queries with PIVOT and UNPIVOT
  • Lesson 2: Working with Grouping Sets
  • Lab 14: Pivoting and Grouping Sets

  • Overview: Executing Stored Procedures
  • Lesson 1: Querying Data with Stored Procedures
  • Lesson 2: Passing Parameters to Stored Procedures
  • Lesson 3: Creating Simple Stored Procedures
  • Lesson 4: Working with Dynamic SQL
  • Lab 15: Executing Stored Procedures

  • Overview: Programming with T-SQL
  • Lesson 2: Controlling Program Flow
  • Lab 16: Programming with T-SQL

  • Overview: Implementing Error Handling
  • Lesson 1: Implementing T-SQL Error Handling
  • Lesson 2: Implementing Structured Exception Handling
  • Lab 17: Implementing Error Handling

  • Overview: Implementing Transactions
  • Lesson 1: Transactions and the Database Engine
  • Lesson 2: Controlling Transactions
  • Lab 18: Implementing Transactions

  • Overview: Improving Query Performance
  • Lesson 1: Factors in Query Performance
  • Lab 19: Improving Query Performance

  • Overview: Querying SQL Server Metadata
  • Lesson 1: Querying System Catalog Views and Functions
  • Lesson 3: Querying Dynamic Management Objects
  • Lesson 2: Executing System Stored Procedures
  • Lab 20: Querying SQL Server Metadata

Az oktatóról

Training360 Kft.