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Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016/2019

21 óra

  • Overview: Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 - Overview

  • Overview: Planning Exchange Server deployments
  • Lesson 1: New features in Exchange Server 2016
  • Lesson 2: Gathering business requirements for an Exchange Server 2016 deployment
  • Lesson 3: Planning for an Exchange Server 2016 deployment
  • Lesson 4: Designing a UM deployment
  • Lab 1: Planning Exchange Server 2016 deployments

  • Overview: Planning and deploying Exchange Server 2016 Mailbox services
  • Lesson 1: Planning Exchange Server hardware requirements
  • Lesson 2: Planning Exchange Server for virtualization and Azure integration
  • Lesson 3: Planning and implementing public folders
  • Lab 2: Plan and implement Exchange virtualization, mailbox databases, and public folders

  • Overview: Planning and deploying message transport
  • Lesson 1: Designing message routing
  • Lesson 2: Designing transport services
  • Lesson 3: Designing the message-routing perimeter
  • Lesson 4: Designing and implementing transport compliance
  • Lab 3: Planning and deploying message transport

  • Overview: Planning and deploying client access
  • Lesson 1: Planning Exchange Server 2016 clients
  • Lesson 2: Planning for client access
  • Lesson 3: Planning and implementing Microsoft Office Online Server
  • Lesson 4: Planning and implementing coexistence of SharePoint 2016 with Exchange
  • Lesson 5: Designing external client access
  • Lab 4: Planning and deploying client access solutions

  • Overview: Designing and implementing high availability
  • Lesson 1: Planning high availability for Exchange Server 2016
  • Lesson 2: Planning for load balancing
  • Lesson 3: Planning for site resilience
  • Lab 5: Designing and implementing site resilience

  • Overview: Maintaining Exchange Server 2016
  • Lesson 1: Using Managed Availability to improve high availability
  • Lesson 2: Implementing DSC
  • Lab 6: Maintaining Exchange Server 2016

  • Overview: Designing messaging security
  • Lesson 1: Planning messaging security
  • Lesson 2: Designing and implementing AD RMS and Azure RMS integration
  • Lab 7: Designing message security

  • Overview: Designing and implementing message retention
  • Lesson 2: Designing In-Place Archiving
  • Lesson 3: Designing and implementing message retention
  • Lab 8: Designing and implementing message retention
  • Lesson 1: Overview of messaging records management and archiving

  • Overview: Designing messaging compliance
  • Lesson 1: Designing and implementing data loss prevention
  • Lesson 2: Designing and implementing In-Place Hold
  • Lesson 3: Designing and implementing In-Place eDiscovery
  • Lab 9: Designing and implementing messaging compliance

  • Overview: Designing and implementing messaging coexistence
  • Lesson 1: Designing and implementing federation
  • Lesson 2: Designing coexistence between Exchange Server organizations
  • Lesson 3: Designing and implementing cross-forest mailbox moves
  • Lab 10: Implementing messaging coexistence

  • Overview: Upgrading to Exchange Server 2016
  • Lesson 1: Planning an upgrade from previous Exchange Server versions
  • Lesson 2: Implementing the upgrade from previous Exchange versions
  • Lab 11: Upgrading from Exchange Server 2013 to Exchange Server 2016

  • Overview: Planning a hybrid Exchange deployment
  • Lesson 1: Basics of a hybrid deployment
  • Lesson 2: Planning and implementing a hybrid deployment
  • Lesson 3: Implementing advanced functionality for hybrid deployments
  • Lab 12: Designing integration with Exchange Online

Az oktatóról

Ország Tamás
Rendszermérnök, vezető oktató

Ország Tamás vagyok, egészen csekély gyermekkoromban kaptam el a számítógép-fertőzést, amiből szerencsére azóta sem gyógyultam ki. Fejlesztő, rendszerszervező és üzemeltető végzettségeim vannak, belekóstoltam mindegyikbe, végül az utóbbi ízlett/ízlik a legjobban, különös tekintettel a hálózatokra, szerverrendszerek fenntartására. Sok különböző környezetben megfordultam a mindenes IT SMB-től a nagybankokig, kutatóintézettől a saját vállalkozásig. Jelenleg a Training360 oktatóközpontot erősítem rendszermérnökként, vezető oktatóként. Nem zárom ki, hogy külső szemlélő számára kockának tűnhetek, mivel munkaidőn túl is körülvesznek a számítógépek. Mondhatjuk, szabadidőmben is mindenre kíváncsi vagyok.