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Developing Microsoft SQL 2016 Database

34 óra

  • Overview: Developing SQL Databases - Overview

  • Overview: An Introduction to Database Development
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to the SQL Server Platform
  • Lesson 2: SQL Server Database Development Tasks

  • Overview: Designing and Implementing Tables
  • Lesson 1: Designing Tables
  • Lesson 2: Data Types
  • Lesson 3: Working with Schemas
  • Lesson 4: Creating and Altering Tables
  • Lab 2: Designing and Implementing Tables

  • Overview: Advanced Table Designs
  • Lesson 1: Partitioning Data
  • Lesson 2: Compressing Data
  • Lesson 3: Temporal Tables
  • Lab 3: Using Advanced Table Designs

  • Overview: Ensuring Data Integrity Through Constraints
  • Lesson 1: Enforcing Data Integrity
  • Lesson 2: Implementing Data Domain Integrity
  • Lesson 3: Implementing Entity and Referential Integrity
  • Lab 4: Ensuring Data Integrity Through Constraints

  • Overview: Introduction to Indexes
  • Lesson 1: Core Indexing Concepts
  • Lesson 2: Data Types and Indexes
  • Lesson 3: Heaps, Clustered, and Nonclustered Indexes
  • Lesson 4: Single Column and Composite Indexes
  • Lab 5: Implementing Indexes

  • Overview: Designing Optimized Index Strategies
  • Lesson 1: Index Strategies
  • Lesson 2: Managing Indexes
  • Lesson 3: Execution Plans
  • Lesson 4: The Database Engine Tuning Advisor
  • Lesson 5: Query Store
  • Lab 6: Optimizing Indexes

  • Overview: Columnstore Indexes
  • Lesson 2: Creating Columnstore Indexes
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Columnstore Indexes
  • Lesson 3: Working with Columnstore Indexes
  • Lab 7: Using Columnstore Indexes

  • Overview: Designing and Implementing Views
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Views
  • Lesson 2: Creating and Managing Views
  • Lesson 3: Performance Considerations for Views
  • Lab 8: Designing and Implementing Views

  • Overview: Designing and Implementing Stored Procedures
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Stored Procedures
  • Lesson 2: Working with Stored Procedures
  • Lesson 3: Implementing Parameterized Stored Procedures
  • Lesson 4: Controlling Execution Context
  • Lab 9: Designing and Implementing Stored Procedures

  • Overview: Designing and Implementing User-Defined Functions
  • Lesson 1: Overview of Functions
  • Lesson 2: Designing and Implementing Scalar Functions
  • Lesson 3: Designing and Implementing Table-Valued Functions
  • Lesson 4: Considerations for Implementing Functions
  • Lesson 5: Alternatives to Functions
  • Lab 10: Designing and Implementing User-Defined Functions

  • Overview: Responding to Data Manipulation Via Triggers
  • Lesson 1: Designing DML Triggers
  • Lesson 2: Implementing DML Triggers
  • Lesson 3: Advanced Trigger Concepts
  • Lab 11: Responding to Data Manipulation by Using Triggers

  • Overview: Using In-Memory Tables
  • Lesson 1: Memory-Optimized Tables
  • Lesson 2: Natively Compiled Stored Procedures
  • Lab 12: Using In-Memory Database Capabilities

  • Overview: Implementing Managed Code in SQL Server
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to CLR Integration in SQL Server
  • Lesson 2: Implementing and Publishing CLR Assemblies
  • Lab 13: Implementing Managed Code in SQL Server

  • Overview: Storing and Querying XML Data in SQL Server
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to XML and XML Schemas
  • Lesson 2: Storing XML Data and Schemas in SQL Server
  • Lesson 3: Implementing the XML Data Type
  • Lesson 4: Using the Transact-SQL FOR XML Statement
  • Lesson 5: Getting Started with XQuery
  • Lesson 6: Shredding XML
  • Lab 14: Storing and Querying XML Data in SQL Server

  • Overview: Storing and Querying Spatial Data in SQL Server
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Spatial Data
  • Lesson 2: Working with SQL Server Spatial Data Types
  • Lesson 3: Using Spatial Data in Applications
  • Lab 15: Working with SQL Server Spatial Data

  • Overview: Storing and Querying BLOBs and Text Documents in SQL Server
  • Lesson 1: Considerations for BLOB Data
  • Lesson 2: Working with FILESTREAM
  • Lesson 3: Using Full-Text Search
  • Lab 16: Storing and Querying BLOBs and Text Documents in SQL Server

  • Overview: SQL Server Concurrency
  • Lesson 1: Concurrency and Transactions
  • Lesson 2: Locking Internals
  • Lab 17: Concurrency and Transactions

  • Overview: Performance and Monitoring
  • Lesson 1: Extended Events
  • Lesson 2: Working with Extended Events
  • Lesson 3: Live Query Statistics
  • Lesson 4: Optimize Database File Configuration
  • Lesson 5: Metrics
  • Lab 18: Monitoring, Tracing, and Baselining

Az oktatóról

Endrődi Tamás
SQL és BI szakértő

Fő tématerülete az Adatbáziskezelés az MS Access-től az MS SQL Serveren át az üzleti intelligencia (BI) rendszerekig. Microsoft oktató (MCT) és szakértő (MCSE). Fő hitvallása, hogy nem elég egy témát oktatni, ki is kell a való életben próbálni. Mivel az oktatás és a szoftverfejlesztés nagyon jó szimbiózist alkot, ezért számos MS Access és SQL Server alapú szoftvere működik különféle cégeknél 2021-ben is.