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Implementing Data Models and Reports with Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012

18 óra

  • Overview: Implementing Data Models and Reports with Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • Overview: Introduction to Business Intelligence and Data Modeling
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Business Intelligence
  • Lesson 2: The Microsoft Business Intelligence Platform
  • Lab 1: Reporting and Analyzing Data

  • Overview: Implementing Reports with SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Reporting Services
  • Lesson 2: Creating a Report with Report Designer
  • Lesson 3: Grouping and Aggregating Data in a Report
  • Lab 2A: Creating a Report with Report Designer
  • Lesson 4: Showing Data Graphically
  • Lesson 5: Filtering Reports By Using Parameters
  • Lesson 6: Publishing and Viewing a Report
  • Lab 2B: Enhancing and Publishing a Report

  • Overview: Supporting Self Service Reporting
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Self Service Reporting
  • Lesson 2: Shared Data Sources and Datasets
  • Lesson 3: Report Parts
  • Lab 3: Implementing Self Service Reporting

  • Overview: Managing Report Execution and Delivery
  • Lesson 1: Managing Report Security
  • Lesson 2: Managing Report Execution
  • Lesson 3: Subscriptions and Data Alerts
  • Lesson 4: Troubleshooting Reporting Services
  • Lab 4: Configuring Report Execution and Delivery

  • Overview: Creating Multidimensional Databases
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Multidimensional Analysis
  • Lesson 2: Creating Data Sources and Data Source Views
  • Lesson 3: Creating a Cube
  • Lesson 4: Overview of Cube Security
  • Lab 5: Creating a Multidimensional Database

  • Overview: Working with Cubes and Dimensions
  • Lesson 1: Configuring Dimensions
  • Lesson 2: Defining Attribute Hierarchies
  • Lesson 3: Sorting and Grouping Attributes
  • Lab 6: Defining Dimensions

  • Overview: Working with Measures and Measure Groups
  • Lesson 1: Working with Measures
  • Lesson 2: Working with Measure Groups
  • Lab 7: Configuring Measures and Measure Groups

  • Overview: Introduction to MDX
  • Lesson 1: MDX Fundamentals
  • Lesson 2: Adding Calculations to a Cube
  • Lesson 3: Using MDX to Query a Cube
  • Lab 8: Using MDX

  • Overview: Customizing Cube Functionality
  • Lesson 1: Working with Key Performance Indicators
  • Lesson 2: Working with Actions
  • Lesson 3: Working with Perspectives
  • Lesson 4: Working with Translations
  • Lab 9: Customizing a Cube

  • Overview: Implementing a Tabular Data Model with Microsoft PowerPivot
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Tabular Data Models and PowerPivot Technologies
  • Lesson 2: Creating a Tabular Data Model by Using PowerPivot for Excel
  • Lesson 3: Sharing a PowerPivot Workbook and Using PowerPivot Gallery
  • Lab 10: Using PowerPivot for Excel

  • Overview: Introduction to DAX
  • Lesson 1: DAX Fundamentals
  • Lesson 2: Using DAX to Create Calculated Columns and Measures in a Tabular Data Model
  • Lab 11: Creating Calculated Columns and Measures by Using DAX

  • Overview: Implementing an Analysis Services Tabular Data Model
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Analysis Services Tabular Data Model Projects
  • Lesson 2: Developing an Analysis Services Tabular Data Model in SQL Server Data Tools
  • Lab 12: Working with an Analysis Services Tabular Data Model

  • Overview: Creating Data Visualizations with Power View
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Power View
  • Lesson 2: Visualizing Data with Power View
  • Lab 13: Creating Interactive Reports with Power View

  • Overview: Performing Predictive Analysis with Data Mining
  • Lesson 1: Overview of Data Mining
  • Lesson 2: Creating a Data Mining Solution
  • Lesson 3 Validating a Data Mining Model
  • Lesson 4: Consuming Data Mining Data
  • Lab 14: Using Data Mining to Support a Marketing Campaign

  • Bonus 1: SQL Azure

Az oktatóról

Kovács Zoltán