Analyzing Data with SQL Server Reporting Services
- Overview: Analyzing Data with SQL Server Reporting Services - Overview
- Overview: Introduction to Reporting Services
- Lesson 1: Introduction to Reporting Services
- Lesson 2: Reporting Services components
- Lesson 3: Reporting Services tools
- Lab 1: Exploring Reporting Services
- Overview: Reporting Services Data Sources
- Lesson 1: Data sources
- Lesson 2: Connection strings
- Lesson 3: Datasets
- Lab 2A+B: Configuring data access with Report Builder and Report Designer
- Overview: Creating Paginated Reports
- Lesson 1: Creating a report with the Report Wizard
- Lesson 2: Creating a report
- Lesson 3: Publishing a report
- Lab 3: Creating reports
- Overview: Working with Reporting Services Data
- Lesson 2: Report parameters
- Lesson 3: Implementing report filters and parameters
- Lab 4: Create a parameterized report
- Lesson 1: Data filters
- Overview: Visualizing Data with Reporting Services
- Lesson 1: Formatting data
- Lesson 2: Images and charts
- Lesson 3: Databars, sparklines, indicators, gauges, and maps
- Lesson 4: KPIs
- Lab 5: Manage formatting
- Overview: Summarizing Report Data
- Lesson 1: Sorting and grouping
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- Lesson 3: Drilldown and drillthrough
- Lab 6: Summarizing report data
- Overview: Tricks & Tips, Practical Hints
- Demo 1: Előkészítő feladatok
- Demo 2: Riport létrehozása Table elemmel
- Demo 3: Csoportfokozatok létrehozása
- Demo 4: Riport finomhangolása
- Demo 5: Lefúrás beépítése a riportba
- Demo 6: Dokumentum térkép beépítése a riportba
- Demo 7: Adott alkategóriához tartozó termékek megjelenítése modellek alapján csoportosított katalógus formájában
- Demo 8: Több adatrégió egy riportban
- Demo 9: Viszonteladói forgalom megjelenítése földrajzi bontásban
- Overview: Sharing Reporting Services Reports
- Lesson 1: Schedules
- Lesson 2: Report caching, snapshots, and comments
- Lesson 3: Report subscription and delivery
- Lab 7: Sharing Reporting Services reports
- Overview: Administering Reporting Services
- Lesson 1: Administering Reporting Services
- Lesson 2: Reporting Services configuration
- Lesson 3: Reporting Services performance
- Lab 8: Administering Reporting Services
- Lesson 1: Expressions and embedded code
- Lesson 2: Extending Reporting Services
- Lesson 3: Integrating Reporting Services
- Lab 9: Extending and integrating Reporting Services
- Overview: Introduction to Mobile Reports
- Lesson 1: Overview of mobile reports
- Lesson 2: Preparing data for mobile reports
- Lesson 3: Mobile Report Publisher
- Lab 10: Introduction to mobile reports
- Lesson 1: Designing and publishing mobile reports
- Lesson 2: Drillthrough in mobile reports
- Lab 11: Developing mobile reports
Az oktatóról
Fő tématerülete az Adatbáziskezelés az MS Access-től az MS SQL Serveren át az üzleti intelligencia (BI) rendszerekig. Microsoft oktató (MCT) és szakértő (MCSE). Fő hitvallása, hogy nem elég egy témát oktatni, ki is kell a való életben próbálni. Mivel az oktatás és a szoftverfejlesztés nagyon jó szimbiózist alkot, ezért számos MS Access és SQL Server alapú szoftvere működik különféle cégeknél 2021-ben is.