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NA - SQL Queries, English version

This course introduces us to the world of SQL queries. We will learn all the important and needed keywords like SELECT, FROM, WHERE, JOIN, GROUP BY, HAVING and so on.

1,5 óra

  • 1. SQL Server Express installation
  • 2. Installation of the AdventureWorks database
  • 3. Discovering of the query window
  • 4. The most simple SQL Select queries in the world
  • 5. How old are we? Let's do some math with the date functions
  • 6. Our first queries on theAdventureWorks database
  • 7. The use of the Query Designer for the creation of queries
  • 8. The Select * from table command
  • 9. Querying unique fields with Select
  • 10. Combining some Strings
  • 11. The LEFT() function
  • 12. The CHARINDEX() function
  • 13. The REVERSE() function
  • 14. The DATEPART() function
  • 15. The use of the Where condition in an SQL Select
  • 16. Those problematic empty fields, the NULL values!
  • 17. The ISNULL() function
  • 18. Searching for a text based on textparts: the LIKE keyword
  • 19. Smaller? Larger? The additional options of the Where condition.
  • 20. Belonging to a list: the IN keyword
  • 21. Borders: the BETWEEN keyword
  • 22. The DISTINCT keyword
  • 23. Sorting with the ORDER BY operation
  • 24. Summaries with the aggregate functions
  • 25. Grouping lines with the GROUP BY operation
  • 26. Filtering groups with the use of the HAVING keyword
  • 27. INNER JOIN query on a new testdatabase (with dogs)
  • 28. OUTER JOIN for querying missing pairs
  • 29. Filtering out alone standing lines with the WHERE condition from an OUTER JOIN
  • 30. Embedded queries, correlated subquery
  • 31. Everything with everything! The CROSS JOIN
  • 32. Joining tables with Query Designer
  • Example 1: Complex query with JOIN,GROUP BY and aggregates
  • Example 2: Tricky JOIN conditions
  • Example 3: The discovery of the AdventureWorks along keys
  • Example 4: Connecting five tables with Design Queryvel
  • Example 5: Five table query with aggregation
  • Example 6: Math in a five table query



That voice!

Is like google translate's! :)

Az oktatóról

Training360 Kft.